Our main objective
The main objective of the María García-Estrada Foundation, apart from rendering homage to her tireless spirit, is to provide answers to the two questions Maria asked herself during her tough days of battle against cancer, “What disease do I have? How can I get cured?” Up to this day, her two questions have no answer.
The complexity of the disease and the little knowledge that exists on the pathology suffered by Maria (a soft tissues Sarcoma made up of primitive and very poorly differentiated cells) make it even more necessary, if possible, the efforts to promote the research of this disease and of all that can imply advances in the fight against cancer.
Sarcomas represent only 1% of all cancers. There are few cases of reference in this type of tumor and scarce funds for its research. As is logical both the public research and the private initiatives are centered in the most common types of cancer (breast, lung, etc.).
Her Foundation was born with the clear vocation of financing and creating research programmes to enhance the knowledge of this disease and develop information on its cure.